
1 week lettuce seedlings
1 week lettuce seedlings

In extreme cases of heat, lettuce plants may start to bolt. When the thermostat goes up, leaf production slows down, and foliage may wilt. Heat stress: Most varieties of lettuce you’ll grow in your garden are at their best in cool or moderate weather and will struggle some during the hottest times of the year.After the first few weeks of their growth cycle, plants are no longer at risk for damping off. If you continue to struggle with damping off, try using a soil-free starting mix. Give young plants plenty of ventilation, too-once seeds have germinated, remove any plastic cover you’re using over their container. Make sure seedlings have plenty of drainage and aren’t being overwatered. Never sow your seeds into cold, wet soil.

1 week lettuce seedlings

There is no way to treat the problem once it’s started other than planting a new batch of seeds and correcting the problems that caused damping off. In some cases, seedlings won’t show any symptoms, but underneath the soil, the roots are black or brown from the disease. Plants that are affected gradually weaken, fall over, and then die. Seedlings show they’re struggling with damping off with brown spots or white mold on the stem, and there may be mold visible on the soil as well. It’s caused by a combination of environmental factors like excess moisture or high humidity and microbes (Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium species, Sclerotinia species, and Thielaviopsis basicola) and can affect any kind of plant.

  • Damping off: Damping off affects seedlings as they’re just starting out, as early as the germination stage and usually before transplanting into the garden.
  • Thin out or reposition your plants to make sure they have 12 to 14 inches of room between head lettuces and six to 10 inches of distance between for looseleaf varieties of lettuce.
  • Crowded growing conditions: When lettuce plants are crammed too close together, the plants won’t ever grow to be large, and their leaves will taste bitter.
  • Topping your lettuce plot with a layer of mulch can help keep this disease from spreading and also keeps water in the soil instead of letting it splash on your plants. Rotate crops every year and use certified disease-free seeds to lessen the risk of plants contracting anthracnose. Remove and discard any plants that show symptoms, then work to address the conditions that allowed anthracnose to strike. If your plants are struggling with anthracnose, be careful not to overwater them, and always water from the base to avoid splashing water on their foliage. Anthracnose is a fungal disease that’s spread through splashing water.

    1 week lettuce seedlings full#

    Spots will expand, and when they’re mature, the center of the lesions falls out, leaving infected plants full of holes.

    1 week lettuce seedlings

  • Anthracnose: You can tell a plant is struggling with anthracnose by the watery spots that appear on the outermost leaves.
  • The more quickly you can work to assess the problem and find a solution, the better the chances of your lettuce recovering. Why is my lettuce dying? -Kim TĪNSWER: There are many reasons a lettuce plant may start to die, which we’ve outlined here along with the signs and solutions for each. QUESTION: I’m noticing my lettuce plants starting to turn brown.

    1 week lettuce seedlings